Carousel Horse Angel White Regular Cross-Stitch (Downloadable PDF)
Our charts only contain the following:
A cover page,
A page of general instructions
The chart itself, the final page which is the key.
Please note: the estimated thread lengths are given in inches NOT in skeins. But for point of reference, each skein of DMC embroidery floss equals approximately 939.6 inches of cross stitches being worked with 2 strands.
Also, please note, this is not a finished design, you have to work it yourself!
Carousel Horses Crosstitch Charts
We are pleased to offer our beautiful Carousel Horse images as charts, Angel White, Hunter Brown, Moonlight Silver, Cloudy Grey, and Raven Black. The charts are all 88 colours on 22 count cloth and all 47 pages long. The chart sizes vary from image to image but not by much. The Carousel Horses charts would be a magnificent addition to any collection.
Carousel Horse: Angel White Crosstitch Chart
Carousel Horse: Angel White is the first one in the series, representing January. The chart is a finished design of 600 stitches lengthwise by 426 high – 27.3 x 18.9 inches on 22 count cloth, with the estimated thread length in inches. The grand total of stitches 249,600.